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A Mother’s Day Gift for You

A Mother’s Day Gift for You

Update 8/1/12 The ebook, Honoring the Rhythm of Rest is now up for SALE!  Come, find out what 3 popular bloggers had to say after reading it.  Come, get a copy and start on 3 intentional ways to practice rest.  Come, and join in the journey of a more peaceful way of living…

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A blessed and gracious Mother’s Day to each one….

Really, there are two gifts for you today.  One’s a few words of recognition, of tribute for all Moms and the variety of ways we shape, serve and  minister.

A celebration of who you are and what you do.

Mom, You’re Beautiful :: my first post over at The Better Mom…stop by for a little ‘cake and ice cream’ moment in your day?

And then…

My first e-book!

I’m incredibly excited to offer these words as a thank you to all subscribers  :: Honoring the Rhythm of Rest.  A message near to my heart,  words I attempt to faithfully practice and live with grace…

Honoring the Rhythm of Rest will encourage and equip you:
  • to understand the meaning of true rest
  • to ask of yourself :: am I living intense, or intentional?
  • to counteract the myth of ‘doing it all’
  • to consider 3 intentional ways to practice rest
  • to journey back from burnout

I invite you to share in this journey at Domestic Serenity and receive your copy — a thank you from my heart to yours!

Speaking of rest…

I hope today, this Mother’s Day, is full of your favorite things.  Small or grand, celebrate with pause to consider your kingdom work of mothering!

Happy Mother’s Day.


{just a note :: your free e-book ‘Honoring the Rhythm of Rest’ should appear in the bottom of email updates when posts are received in your inbox.  Should you have any questions, please use the contact form in the menu bar to let me know!  Grace…}


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Daniele Evans